Internet of Robotic Things: Concept, and evolution In just the last few decades, probably when you were just born (if you are still a young champ), industrial robots are a run of the mill. But what is interesting is that this technology continues to evolve and gain popularity for the profits it brings to the table. On one hand, robotics has created a revolution in the world of manufacturing, and on the other hand, IoT and industrial IoT has developed rapidly over the last few years impacting everything right from our lifestyle. What we are seeing now, is a collaboration of robotics and IoT, which we call the Internet of Robotic Things ( IoRT ). Throughout this blog, you will find "robotic things" used very frequently. Just to make things clear, "robotic thing" is a common word for any robotic application . And now, we can start with this adventure ride to explore how two leading technologies converged to form the ...