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The top 5 technology of 2021 that you cannot miss out on!

 Look around yourself. Is there anything that technology has not transformed yet? Well, the current situation of the worst things which going on has just accelerated digitization. No wonder how businesses have managed to stay resilient and profitable even in these times of adversity. Even in these times, when nothing seems certain, one thing that you can be sure about is the expansion of the global technology industry.    


The world has undergone a substantial digital revolution. Development, in all aspects, is now fueled by technological advancements. Thanks to technology, we now live in a parallel universe immune to many challenges that exist in our world (but that does not mean there’s no challenge at all). As far as the future is concerned, the digital revolution will continue to alter market development, opening enormous opportunities for skilled professionals. In this scenario, businesses ought to keep up with the latest technological trends, for taking that quantum leap!  


What are you waiting for?  


Here are the top 5 technology trends that you cannot miss out on, in 2021-  

 1. Artificial Intelligence  


AI was on fire last year and it continues to be the leading emerging technology this year too! And why not? There's no end of possibilities with AI. While it is especially known in applications including mobile personal assistance, navigation, image, and speech recognition, this technology also plays a major role in dynamic, real-time resource allocation on demand of the consumers. In short, AI  defines modern markets. Not just that, it is expected to grow into a $190 million industry over the next 4 years. 


Machine learning, a subset of AI technology, on the other hand, continues to transform industries, creating a demand for skilled professionals.  


2. Blockchain Technology  


Are you one of those very keen on the current trends of bitcoin and cryptocurrency? Well, blockchain technology is the basis for it all, along with applications in diverse industries including the supply chain, logistics, and healthcare. No transaction involving a global network of the computer goes unnoticed with blockchain. The technology offers both protection and transparency, which is the primary reason for its popularity.  


After all, money and technology are never going out of trend!  

3. The 5 G 


We would have never thought of anything after 3 G came into the picture a few years back. And look at us now! Technology keeps advancing and we are already in the era of 5G. Initially, 3G made online access of services on mobile devices, the era of 4G saw the increase of music and video streaming platforms. What we notice is that with increasing bandwidth, the possibilities also expand. The advanced, high-speed 5G networks will enable us to access the latest technologies anywhere and anytime. The major telecom companies including Apple, Nokia Corp, are all set to launch their 5G applications in the year 2021. According to the report, more than 50 operators offering 5G services will hit about 30 countries by the end of this year. 

4. Internet of Behaviors (IoB)  


It was not long ago when the term IoT surfaced. There was a time when technological advancement led to the internet of things, which now extends into the Internet of Behaviors (IoB).  

Imagine how easy life would be if you could understand people's behavior. The idea behind IoB is no different. It gives businesses the power to follow customer behavior and in turn, boost company profit and image. A simpler sample of this trend is a fitness tracking application that collects information about your diet, sleep patterns, and physical activity to produce personalized health and activity plans. What else do we need?  With predictive care, efficient decision-making, and improved customer service, IoB is all set to become the next breakthrough in the technology sector.  


5. Edge Computing  


Cloud Computing is a recent trend that managed to touch the skies just like actual clouds. With Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services becoming the major players, Cloud Computing has become a mainstream technology. The technology ceases to be emerging and has given way to Edge computing. A notable trend is how the quantity of data continues to increase. As organizations deal with this data explosion, they have realized certain shortcomings of cloud computing like latency. Edge Computing acts as a mini data center for processing time-sensitive data with limited or no connection to the centralized location.  


Guess what?  


The edge computing market is expected to reach $6.72 billion by the year 2022, creating various job opportunities for skilled engineers. 




Technology is becoming the synonym for development. The “latest” is just the prefix, which makes all the difference. Although we are in an endless sea of technologies, emerging and evolving all around us, these five technology trends offer a promising career potential now even in the most dubious situation. Getting on board at the early stages of these technology trends ensures positioning you for success in the long term. However, since technology keeps advancing, there's no way you don't advance your capabilities!  


  1. You guys are doing a great job it's really very helpful for the youngsters

  2. Interesting stuff to read πŸ“š. Keep it up πŸ’«

  3. Something amazing to read!

  4. Great Work... These Technologies have made our Living Less Hectic.. AI and Blockchain Technology has crossed the Limits of Human Imagination...

  5. Interesting stuff to persue. Keep it up!

  6. Very nice and quite helpful πŸ˜ƒπŸ”₯

  7. great . Interesting and informative stuff!!

  8. I really gained a lot of unexpected knowledge after reading it. πŸ‘

  9. Wow...! This is greattttt πŸ‘πŸ‘

  10. Very awesome writing πŸ”₯

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  14. Really helpful...πŸ’―..

  15. That are great facts πŸ˜‰

  16. Really in the era of advance technologies AI&Blockchain will play a significant role to change the world which makes our life easier.

  17. Wow this was actually really helpful. Thank you for providing this information.

  18. Great work this really help me a lot. Thanks for such a work

  19. This is really helpful for many freshers ...

  20. It's going to be good & bright in future. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  21. this is so helpful and knowledgable specially for the freshers

  22. This is really helpful. Thank you for the information.

  23. Informative content πŸ˜„

  24. The facts are so informative
    Genius πŸ‘πŸ‘

  25. Frankly speaking it's very useful for me I got to know alot more

  26. Very informative.. Great work 😍😍

  27. Very knowledgeable and captivating this is.

  28. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

  29. explanatory factsπŸ’―πŸ’―

  30. Very informative and interesting content

  31. I always love technology nd this is very informative

  32. Informative factsπŸ‘πŸ»

  33. Very knowlageble facts to understand new technology


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