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Why is learning future technologies essential for school students?




Look around yourself. It is hard to think of anything that doesn't involve technology. Technology has seeped into every part of our lives. It has been transforming the existing industries while creating many new ones. It is one of the aspects of life that isn't going anywhere. Rather, we can only expect technology to advance and further change how we work and live. In fact, with the speed with which we are progressing, the day isn't far when even the simplest of daily tasks will be governed by technology, including education. Why go far? We are experiencing the advent of this transformation, even today.  The future belongs to those who are up to date with the latest technologies. In this context, it isn't hard to explain how important it is for school students to learn future technologies.




Education is one of the industries deeply influenced by technological advancements. It was just a decade ago when computers were only found in computer labs (at least I remember seeing them only in the Computer Lab of my school and we were supposed to remove our shoes as we entered the room), but that is certainly not the case today. Modern students grow up with all sorts of internet-powered resources at home and even in the classroom. Technology stimulates the learning process, by giving teachers and students a variety of advanced tools and platforms to experiment with. If we were to think of technology in the hands of children, we would probably think of either social media or gaming. But the truth is technology assists children in their studies more than ever. If you think about it, it is a long leap and we can never be sure what will come in the future. Except for the fact that the future of education and other major industries will be driven in large part by technology.


On the other hand, the jobs of the future (and in fact, even the present) are all technology-oriented. There's no way, the next generation is not equipped with suitable knowledge and skills! Technology-powered education and education about future technology are both, the inevitable aspects of the lives of school students and we will know why, in the next section.




It has always been easier for us to understand concepts through examples. So, let us just follow the trend and see some common examples of future technology shaping the classrooms include-

Students involved in self-learning with future technologies

1.     Assistive technology devices are a significant education trend, especially for those with disabilities. Computers and tablets equipped with modified keyboards and cheese are common examples.

2.     Gone are the days when examples will be told, students will now be able to interact with the real-world materials via augmented and virtual reality platforms. This technology will greatly enhance the learning experience. 

3.     Portable, fast, and extremely easy-to-use tablets are the next-gen notebooks. Such technology in the classroom will allow the students and teachers to explore the technological literacy domain. 

Sometimes I wonder, if lessons were in the form of pubG, my brother would have topped his class. And I guess that's the situation for the majority of kids today. Future technology is a great supplement to learning as it offers opportunities for gratifying lessons, differentiated instruction, collaboration, distance learning, and self-directed learning. The best part is, gamification of lessons is possible through technology that helps keep the young students engaged, unlike the conventional static lessons. So, students will now be able to learn while playing and play while learning!




Education caters to a child's natural need to be informed and develop skills. It is more of a process, in which one keeps learning, upgrading, and utilizing the skills to find potential solutions to everyday problems. At a young age, when our brain is developing many connections based on input or experiences, technology is one of the many tools that help students acquire essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. After all, the best way to learn the latest technology is by using it. Technology is a great tool for active learning, personalized skill development, and cognitive activation in school students, which ends up preparing them for a better future.


Another perspective for this argument is that advancing technology is giving rise to new industries and jobs. Artificial Intelligence, Coding, and Application Development are a few common examples of fields that are growing at a fast pace.  Reports show that AI will replace 40 percent of the jobs in the future. And mind you, the remaining 60 percent will not be spared by technology either. So, if our education prepares us for our jobs from the very beginning, that is just going to make us ready to face any challenges in the future. Learning future technologies will not only land students in their desired careers but also acts as the necessary motivation in the learning path.


So, we have enough reasons to believe now- A strong technical background can provide a firm foundation for students interested in pursuing a career in any field. While additional study and credentials may be necessary, equipping children with the latest technology skills will help them leverage technology in their academic and real-life problems. It not only prepares them for a better future but also empowers them to add value to what is already existing.

If you are interested in learning the latest technology and upgrading your technical skills, iTinker is the platform for you. Equipped with multiple interactive learning resources, covering a wide range of latest technology subjects, this platform will help you unleash your full potential as the new-gen techie. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the website and get started!



  1. Technology is changing the world for sure!
    Amazing content.
    Keep writing :)

  2. This is information is very knowledgable as evolution of technology has been rapid. Very informative for students.

  3. Samay badal ra h ...hame bhi badalna padega warna zindagi ki race me piche reh jaoge.... technology ki raftaar se tezz hame bhagna padega tabhi survival possible h in upcoming future...

  4. I found it informative as highly trending in present well as in future. Knoledge of todays technology is prior of any other thing or course.

  5. This is vry khowledgeable information as technology is incresing day by day . Specially beneficial for studenta

  6. I think this is the best I've seen till now.

  7. I think this is very good for students in future.

  8. This information is very knowledgable as evolution of technology has been rapid.
    Technology is changing the world very fast as well as tech updates are something to learn by students.

  9. Learning is a blessing
    Always aspire to learn more !

  10. Technology is an essential part of our life. Students should learn about present as well as future tech!

  11. Technology gives students path to achieve their dream , we can see many examples in our surrounding that many students achieved their dream without any coaching ,just with the help of social media and YouTube.

  12. Technology is helping students to achieve their dream without any coaching. There are many examples in surrounding .

  13. Indeed technology is the indispensable part of our lives today. Well written πŸ‘πŸ»

  14. Informative content πŸ‘

  15. Going along the changing technology.... Super πŸ‘

  16. Very informative and good content

  17. Beautifully explained and was very informative keep it up

  18. Information provided is up to date and very effective students must give it a read..

  19. Effectively written could be very helpful to students. Appreciable...

  20. Loved This Information And Way Of preparation..

  21. This information is very knowledgeable and useful. Amazing content...

  22. Nice information great work

  23. Importance of technology in education..Wow!!! Great information

  24. Wonderful explaination, great work keep it up πŸ‘❤❤

  25. Thanks alot for the information . Technology will solve every problem in future.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This was an excellent idea
    A good idea comes from a technology our future generation will be more smart and easy because of this technology

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Likhde this information is very useful

  31. Great workπŸ‘.. Really #itinker's team is doing great job....

  32. this information is very useful

  33. Someone said me to comment so i m doing this, information is very useful ! !

  34. U have described feature of technology in education in very simple language. Everyone should read this blog. Hattsoff guys..

  35. I really got to know some perspectives I never thought of. Great content.

  36. Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. Technology also have ability to teach complex matter into easy way with the help of many tools . Great content for future generation.

  37. Information is very interesting and useful

  38. This is very interesting information and this is true that technology have ability to teach difficult subjects and matter into easiest way with the help of its tools.. so great......


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